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The Creation of a New Reality

A prophetic idea whose time has come where peace, love, joy and life are the imperatives.


The Village of Peace Dimona - Israel

More than just a geographical is place where spirituality is put into practice.


New Ideas Making a bridge from the Past

We use power and understanding of the ancient ideas to shape a better world.


Vibrant Culture A Celebration of Life

We celebrate life and we love the land.

True Worship Spirituality in Practice

We dedicate our lives to the upliftment of the sacred laws and principles that govern all humanity.

Providing Hope Nurturing the Future

Helping youth find their purpose and live according their to highest potential.

The Visionary Ben Ammi

Our inspiration come from our eternal leader, His Excellency Ben Ammi, challenged us to create and build institutions that support life.

Welcome to our Village

Before the Suez Canal’s excavation, the Arabian Peninsula and modern Middle East were united with Africa, fostering free movement and rich cultural exchange. In 70 C.E., Roman forces expelled Hebrew Israelites from Jerusalem, setting them on a long journey across Africa and into the Americas, where they endured brutal slavery yet preserved their spiritual heritage in soulful songs and prayers to Yah. Their prophesied return to Israel symbolizes a reclaiming of identity and destiny. Echoing this enduring hope, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. envisioned a Promised Land—a spiritual awakening that continues to resonate with African Americans rooted in the Holy Land.

Our Values

Truth Centered

Our reality is rooted in the truth about who are and the sacred purpose we have all been given to be stewards of peace, love, justice and mercy for humanity. (more…)

Regenerative Health

Life and living in harmony with the universal principles that govern all life and the partaking of a diet and lifestyle that promotes health and longevity. (more…)

Spirituality in Practice

Spirituality is more than just is how you structure your life. It manifest itself within a culture that gives honor to the universal principals that govern everyone! (more…)